Adventures in Geography

The Sad Death of Plate Tectonics

Plate Tectonics is Earth's operating system.  The theory is up there with the discovery of DNA and Darwin's theory of Evolution.  It is the exquisitely beautiful system that keeps our planet alive and dynamic.  It builds mountains, controls our climate, recycles the rocks, and it may well be the mechanism that led to hominin speciation which lead to you and me.  So why is it demoted, discounted and diminished; dumped down there with rock weathering, and human migration?  It should the overarching theory of any geographical course, taking its rightful place in Chapter 1.

Watch the video - because Plate Tectonics Matters.

For a course on plate tectonics, get our e-book here.

Now then - if you are as bright as you look...

Then you will know how important plate tectonics is in terms of understanding how our planet works.  Wouldn't it be great to get even deeper insights into the history, the mechanisms and the outcomes of this exquisitely balanced system? Now that you have watched the video I think you have to agree that a good understanding of how it all works is fundamental to teaching geography and many other subjects besides.  So I have put together 66 pages of wonderful information on 

  • The development of the theory, the big science the big battles, the big money that was eventually thrown at it.  
  • The structure of the Earth and why it is important to have an understanding of the various components that make up our planet.
  • The mechanism itself - plates, how they move, how they created at spreading centres and destroyed on their margins.
  • The results of plate movement - fiery volcanoes, towering mountains, ground-shaking earthquakes, destructive tsunami, and ultimately a dynamic, happy, planet.

What others are saying....

John Roff


The book is rich with the factual and historical background to the development of the theory of plate tectonics as well as providing a thorough grounding of the modern research and scientific insights that inform our understanding of this foundational theory.  I am already thinking about how to incorporate this fresh perspective into my work.

John R Educator and Nature Guide


Plate tectonics: earth’s operating system is well a structured book. The introduction gives a detailed history of plate tectonics. The second and third chapters are well written and contain interesting information about geology and plate tectonics. The reader is made aware of the link between geology and plate tectonics. Indeed the author is right in stating that ‘it is impossible to study physical geography without having a broad understanding of geology and plate tectonics’.

Tracy M Geography Teacher

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About the author 

I am an Earth Scientist, with degrees from South African and British Universities.  When I am not consulting, I am blogging, making movies, building websites, sculpting dinosaurs and engaging with the world on all things geological and geographical.

Gerald Davie

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